05 July 2009

to be sure you know...

as most of you who regularly read our blog or keep in touch with us already know, in less than two weeks this part of the mehaffie clan will be heading back to the east coast. i really don't think it's fully hit us yet just HOW soon that is, and i say that because the majority of what we own is not yet packed. i guess on the other hand we are pretty prepared as we already have plan tickets, a rental truck, and a place to say once we get to nc lined up... so we're getting there. it truly is surreal to think about where we've been and where we're going. daniel and i look at one another very often in disbelief of all the change we've experienced in the last few years we've had together. our little baby is the sweetest thing, and we're so thankful for her, but we really can't believe it.

ruby is teaching us a lot already. i've heard so many times that you'll never realized how selfish you are until you get married and then again once you have a baby... i'm finding this to be true. there's nothing else to say but that ruby needs us. she can't survive with out us... well without us or at least someone who will take care of her little self. we're sustaining her life. if she cries she needs something, and we have to figure out what it is and give it to her or there will be a deficit in her that's unfulfilled. she has to eat, she has to be changed and bathed, she has to sleep and be warm.. and we have the means to give her all of this. it's pretty amazing, but it's also tiring. she needs so much, and we still want a lot ourselves that, quite honestly, has to get pushed aside sometimes until what she needs is worked out. it's ok, but it's strange being suddenly thrown into a world where i'm after a little tiny baby. sometimes she'll wake up in the middle of the night making sounds and ready to eat and i'll feel annoyed, i'll want to role over, but then i pick her up and see that little face and i remember why i love her so much and how thankful i am that she does need me. i watched oprah on friday and it was an episode all about motherhood... a lot of mothers from all walks of life and areas of the US vented and told funny and heartfelt truths about their lives as moms... one mom even admitted that she peed into a diaper on a long roadtrip because both kids were asleep in the backseat and she couldn't stop. hilarious. but it got me thinking about how many stories like that daniel and i will accumulate over the years. how many times we'll have to sacrifice us for her.. and the other kids to come. :) it's humbling, but also exciting, and i think there's a lot to learn from this chapter in life. to be able to love something so unconditionally, especially when all it does is take from and need you. to think about how God does this everyday... how He's doing this for me now as i need so much from him but have a hard time taking time to give myself back to Him a priority. to think that He's still blessing and giving to our family when it's pretty much the last thing we deserve from Him. it's a lesson i'm sure i'll keep learning. i'm touched to know that i'm not alone in learning and frequently failing at parenthood, daughterhood, friendhood, sisterhood, wifehood (all of the hood's :))... and i want to keep looking at it that way and being honest. i want to remember so that i can share my heart with other parents so that none of us feel alone or judged. anything that i feel has been felt and overcome before... remind yourself of that too, and reach out to someone if ever you feel like you're the only one experiencing something. you're not, and the Lord placed you in the world so that you wouldn't be alone. minister to someone. open yourself up so that you and someone else can learn. it can be hard, but it feels good. as the late MJ would say "you are not alone.. i am here with you..." :)

i know a lot of people don't have facebook, and i can't take the time to put all of our pictures of ruby and what not on our blog, so i started an online picasa web album (thanks, meri!). have a look...


but i just can't resist including this one. :)

1 comment:

Lynn said...

We are so glad you are coming back to the South!!

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